Американский вариант английского языка, Третьяков Ю.П., 2005

Американский вариант английского языка, Третьяков Ю.П., 2005.

    Учебное пособие ориентировано на развитие навыков повседневного и делового общения у лиц, имеющих личные, деловые и научные контакты с американскими коллегами или собирающимися посетить США, и содержит страноведческий и лингвистический материал, отражающий современные американские реалии и особенности языка.
Для студентов, аспирантов, специалистов различных профилей, широкого круга лиц, желающих посетить или поехать учиться, работать в США.

Американский вариант английского языка, Третьяков Ю.П., 2005

I should like to repeat/reiterate my thanks and deep appreciation to you personally and to the members of the Organizing Committee for the effort you have made to ensure the success of the conference.

On arriving home, I wish to express to you my sincere gratitude for having organized the Conference in such a wonderful and efficient manner. You and your committee deserve great credit for the tremendous effort you put into planning the Conference.

Now that I have returned home, I want to thank you once more for the magnificent job you did as Chairman of the local Organizing Committee. Equally impressive was the great effort your colleagues on the Committee made to ensure the success of the Conference.

The meeting achieved very well its primary purpose to permit the scientists of many countries to meet each other and discuss their work on common problems in an atmosphere appropriate both to scholarship and fellowships. The local arrangements and the atmosphere which they helped to create contributed greatly to the success of the Conference, which represents, in my opinion, a further significant contribution to the establishment of good will and cooperation among the scientists of the world.

It gives me great pleasure to note that not only did the scientific sessions proceed at a high level, but the social aspects were very pleasant too. We all enjoyed visiting R. University and looking around the laboratories.

All the scientific sessions were well run and extremely interesting. It was both a pleasure and a great honor to have this opportunity to discuss many problems of mutual interest. I feel that an outstanding achievement of the Conference was that many new contacts were made between people interested in different problems.


Предисловие редактора v
Editor** Note viii
Contents xi
Part I. Everyday Matters
Unit 1. Visa Application 3
Unit 2. Getting Ready to Fly 19
Unit 3. Immigration and Customs Formalities 31
Unit 4. Getting to and about Town 41
Unit 5. Money Matters 54
Unit 6. At a Hotel 69
Unit 7. Phone and Mail 88
Unit 8. Communicating with Americans 105
Unit 9. Eating out: Restaurants and Fast Food 125
Unit 10. Shopping 142
Unit 11. Traveling and Recreation 155
Part II. Education
Unit 12. University Education (Undergraduate school) 173
Unit 13. At the Library 191
Unit 14. University Education (Graduate School) 205
Unit 15. Job Interview 224
Part HI. Conference
Unit 16. Preparations for a Conference 245
Unit 17. The Speaker 262
Unit 18. Chairing a Conference 270
Unit 19. Discussion 282
Unit 20. Informal Talks and Entertainment 293
Appendix A. Visa application form 313
Appendix B. Customs declaration 318
Appendix C. Immigration form (Arrival/departure record) 320
Appendix D. Application for admission to graduate school 322
Appendix E. Some differences between American and British English 324.

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