Grammarway 2 - Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans

Название: Grammarway 2.

Автор: Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans

Grarnmarway 2 is the second book in a four-level grammar series presented in full colour for learners of the English language at post-elementary level. The book is available in two editions - with or without answers - and is suitable for self-study or classroom use as a supplement to any course at this level.

Grammarway 2 - Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans

The aim of the book is to help learners understand English grammar structures through comprehensive theory tables and functional examples, accompanied by a wealth of attractive photographs and illustrations.

Unit 1 Present Conlinuous - Present Simple (Pieseni Simple vs Pieseni Continuous)
Unit 2 Posl Simple (Regulni Ineguliir Veilis) - Used lo
Unil 3 Pnsl Conlinuous (Pnsl Conlinuous vs Post Simple)
Unit -1 Pieseni Peilecl Simple (Pnsl Simple vs Pieseni Peilecl Simple)
Unil 5 The Fuluie (Future Simple - Be going lo - Pieseni Continuous)
(Unilsl -5)
Unit 6 Relatives (Relntive Pronouns-Adveibs Irlenlilying -Non-Identifying Onuses)
Unil 1 Presenl Peilecl Conlinuous (Pieseni Peilecl Conlinuous vs Pieseni Peilecl Simple)
Unit 8 Pronouns - Both Neiliiei - ill None - Possessives
Unil 9 Modal Verbs I (Musi-Have lo Musln'l - Needn't - Can Could Be able lo)
Unil 10 Ihe Infinitive - Too Enough - Ibe "-ins lornf -
(Units MO)
Unil 11 Pasl Peilecl Simple Pnsl Peilecl Conlinuous
Unil 12 Modal Veilis II (May Mighl Could  Should Ought lo  Shall Will)
Unil 13 Ihe Passive
14 Reporled Speech
15 Conditionals - Wishes
(Units 1-15)
Unil 16 Adjectives - Adverbs - Compmisons
Unil 17 Nouns - Ailicles (Ihe Pluml - Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns - Indefinite Definite Aiticlei
Unil 18 Some Any No - A lol ol Much Many - (A) lillle (A) lew
Unit 19 Questions - Question lags
Unil 20 Pieposilions (lime Place Movement) - linking Woids
Iiiegulm Verbs
Key lo Ihe Exeicises

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