Автор: Algeo J.
Speakers of British and American English display some striking differences in their use of grammar. In this detailed survey, John Algeo considers questions such as:
-Who lives on a street, and who lives in a street}
-Who takes a bath, and who has a bath}
-Who says Neither do /, and who says Nor do /?
- After "thank you", who says Not at all and who says You 're welcome}
- Whose team are on the ball, and whose team is?

Containing extensive quotations from real-life English on both sides of the Atlantic, collected over the past twenty years, this is a clear and highly organized guide to the differences - and the similarities- in the grammar of British and American speakers. Written for those with no prior knowledge of linguistics, it shows how these grammatical differences are linked mainly to particular words, and provides an accessible account of contemporary English as it is actually used.
British and American as national varieties
Differences between British and American
The basis of this study
Sources of comparative statistics and citations Conventions and organization of this study
Part I Parts of Speech
1 Verbs
1.1 Derivation
1.2 Form
1.3 Verb phrases
1.4 Functions
2 Determiners
2.1 Definite article
2.2 Indefinite article
2.3 Possessive construction
2.4 No determiner versus some determiner
2.5 Predeterminers and postdeterminers
3 Nouns
3.1 Derivation
3.2 Form
3.3 Function
3.4 Names and titles
3.5 Genitive constructions
4 Pronouns
4.1 Personal
4.2 Impersonal
4.3 Demonstrative
4.4 Relative
4.5 Interrogative
4.6 Indefinite
4.7 Expletive
4.8 Case
5 Adjectives
5.1 Derivation
5.2 Frequency and collocation
5.3 Comparison
5.4 Adjective order
6 Adverbs
6.1 General
6.2 Disjuncts
6.3 Comparison
6.4 Adverb order
6.5 Adverbial particles
7 Qualifiers
7.1 Modifying adjectives or adverbs
7.2 Modifying prepositional phrases
7.3 Modifying comparative structures
8 Prepositions
8.1 Choice of preposition
8.2 Omission of any preposition
8.3 Omission of the prepositional object
8.4 Prepositional phrase versus noun adjunct
8.5 Order of numbers with by
9 Conjunctions
9.1 Coordinating conjunctions
9.2 Subordinating conjunctions
10 Interjections
Part II Syntactic Constructions
11 Complementation
11.1 Complementation of verbs
11.2 Complementation of nouns
11.3 Complementation of adjectives
11.4 Complementation of adverbs
12 Mandative constructions
12.1 Mandative present indicative
12.2 Mandative past indicative
13 Expanded predicates
13.1 Five "light" verbs in British and American
13.2 Modification and complementation of the expanded predicate noun
13.3 Other expanded-predicate-like constructions
14 Concord
14.1 Verb and pronoun concord with collective nouns
14.2 Verb concord in other problematical cases
15 Propredicates
15.1 Propredicate do
15.2 Complements of propredicates
16 Tag questions
16.1 Canonical form
16.2 Anomalous forms
16.3 Frequency of use
16.4 Rhetorical uses
16.5 Other forms and uses
17 Miscellaneous
17.1 Focus
17.2 Phatic language
17.3 Numbers
17.4 Dates
Bibliography of British book citation sources Bibliography of studies, dictionaries, and corpora Index of words
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