New Riders, Inside Linux

New Riders - Inside Linux

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Author: Michael J. Tobler.

Table of Contents

Preface   1
About the Technical Reviewer   1
Acknowledgments   1
Tell Us What You Think!   1
Part I: Getting Started   2
Chapter 1  Introduction to Linux   3
The Purpose of This Book   3
What Is Linux?   4
Linux: Its Past and Present   4
The Driving Forces Behind Linux   5
How Is Linux Used?   5
The Future of Linux   6
Linux Distributions   6
Sources of Linux Information and Documentation   7
Summary   9
Chapter 2  Installing Linux   10
Requirements Checklist   10
Planning Your Installation   17
Distribution-Specific Installations   20
Summary   36
Chapter 3  Using Linux   37
Linux Startup   37
Linux Shutdown   37
Logging In to Linux   39
Logging Out of Linux   39
Managing User Accounts   39
Moving Around in Linux   42
Using Files and Directories   50
Some Basic Commands   55
Summary   60
Chapter 4  Installing X Windows   61
XFree86 Defined   61
Installing XFree86   62
Configuring XFree86   66
Summary   83
Chapter 5  Using X Windows   84
Overview of the Graphical Environment   84
Navigating X   85
Window Managers   86
Exploring the Graphical Environment   88
KDE   88
GNOME   103
Summary   111
Part II: Configuration   113
Chapter 6  Network Configuration   114
TCP/IP Overview   114
Hardware Requirements   117
Configuring TCP/IP   118
The rc Files   121
Testing the Network   127
Summary   129
Chapter 7  Hardware Configuration   130
Overview   130
Hard Drives   130
Modems   132
Mouse   132
Peripheral Computer Interface (PCI)   133
Video Cards   133
Serial Ports   135
Sound Cards   140
Summary   143
Part III: Linux Services   144
Chapter 8  Email Services: SMTP and POP   145
Overview   145
Comprehending Electronic Mail   145
MUA Programs   148
Using MUAs   148
The sendmail Package   159
Summary   166
Chapter 9  File Transfer Protocol (FTP)   167
FTP Overview   167
FTP Commands   168
Using FTP   173
Configuring an FTP Server   178
Summary   181
Chapter 10  Domain Name Service (DNS)   182
DNS Overview   182
DNS Configuration   186
Summary   195
Chapter 11  Network Information Service (NIS)   196
Overview   196
The NIS Model   197
Structuring NIS   198
Configuring NIS   199
Additional NIS Commands and Files   206
Summary   209
Chapter 12  Network File Service (NFS)   210
Overview   210
NFS Design and Architecture   211
NFS and Linux   214
Using the NFS Client   221
Optimizing NFS on Low-Bandwidth Connections   225
Summary   225
Chapter 13  Dial-Up Networking Services: SLIP and PPP   226
Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP)   226
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)   238
Summary   247
Chapter 14  UNIX-to-UNIX Copy Program   248
UUCP Overview   248
Basic UUCP Configuration   248
A UUCP Session   258
Summary   262
Chapter 15  Samba: Merging Linux and Windows   263
Overview   263
Obtaining and Installing Samba   264
Configuring Samba   267
Executing Samba   278
Using smbclient   280
Summary   283
Chapter 16  Apache Web Server   284
Apache Overview   284
Choosing an Apache Package   285
Obtaining and Installing Apache   285
Apache Runtime Configuration   294
Starting and Stopping the Server   295
Apache Log Files   297
Special-Purpose Environment Variables   297
Apache's Handler Use   298
Summary   299
Chapter 17  Internet News Service   300
Overview   300
Basic Usenet Mechanics   301
Common Usenet Terms   309
NNTP Protocol   310
Configuring the NNTP Server   318
Summary   319
Chapter 18  Print Services   320
Print Overview   320
Printer Preliminaries   320
Configuring Print Services   323
Summary   335
Part IV: System Administration   337
Chapter 19  The Tools   338
Overview   338
Configuration, Maintenance, and Management Tools   338
Productivity Tools   365
Summary   366
Chapter 20  Booting and Shutdown   368
Overview   368
The init Process   369
Using LILO, the Linux Loader   372
Using LOADLIN, another Linux Loader   374
Emergency Boot Floppy Disks   376
Summary   376
Chapter 21  Security   378
Overview   378
Physical Security   379
Threats to Security Caused by Social Engineering   382
Authentication   382
File Security   386
Network Access   387
Summary   391
Chapter 22  Managing Accounts   392
Overview   392
Managing Users   392
Managing Groups   398
Summary   400
Chapter 23  Other Administrative Tasks   401
Overview   401
Root Account   401
Rotating User Passwords   402
System Backup and Restoration   403
Using cron and crontab Files   408
System Monitoring   409
Summary   415
Part V: Quick Reference   416
Chapter 24  Utility Programs   417
Overview   417
Online Help   417
Process Commands   420
Summary   425
Chapter 25  Regular Expressions   426
Overview   426
Pattern Matching   426
Metacharacters   427
Escaping   435
Whole Words   436
Summary   437
Part VI: Appendixes   439
Appendix A  Other Sources of Information   440
Books   440
Magazines   441
Usenet Newsgroups   442
Mailing Lists   446
Linux Web Sites   447
Linux FTP Sites   454
Appendix B  Common Questions   456
Overview   456
So What Is Linux?   456
What Distributions of Linux Are Available?   456
What Processors Does Linux Run On?   461
What Are Some of the Requirements of Linux?   461
Where Can I Get Linux?   462
Where Can I Find Software for Linux?   462
Can I Access Data on Drive Types Other Than Linux?   463
Can I Run Software Written for Other Operating Systems?   463
Where Can I Get Linux Information on the Internet?   463
Are Disk and File Utilities Available for Linux?   464
What Do I Do If I Forgot the root Password?   466
How Can I Share Linux/Windows Printers and Filesystems?   466
How Can I Mount a Windows95 Filesystem?   466
Do Viruses Exist on Linux?   466
How Are Linux Passwords Encrypted?   466
How Large Can a File Be Under Linux?   467
Are There Comparisons of Linux to Other Operating Systems?   467
What Is the Legal Status of Linux?   467
Do I Need to Repartition to Use Linux?   467
Can I Get Linux Preinstalled on a New Computer?   467

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