Setting Up LAMP: Getting Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP Working Together - Eric Rosebrock, Eric Filson - 2004.
This book is written for those people out there who either struggle with this technology or just want a simple solution that is compiled by the experts. We have taken years of experience, problem solving, experimentation, and most importantly implementation, and bundled it all together as an easy-to-understand practical guide for you to utilize as you set up your LAMP web server.

Introduction xix
Chapter 1: Introducing LAMP
Chapter 2: Installing Linux
Chapter 3: Using Linux
Chapter 4: Linux Administration
Chapter 5: Network Connectivity
Chapter 6: Linux Security
Chapter 7: Electronic Mail
Chapter 8: Apache Web Server: Installation and Configuration
Chapter 9: MySQL: Installation and Administration
Chapter 10: PHP: Installation and Configuration
Chapter 11: Testing Your LAMP Installation
Appendix A: LAMP Quick Installation
Appendix B: MySQL Configuration Directives
Appendix C: Getting Support
Купить книгу Setting Up LAMP: Getting Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP Working Together - Eric Rosebrock, Eric Filson
Теги: программирование :: Linux :: Apache :: MySQL :: PHP :: LAMP :: Rosebrock :: Filson :: installing Linux :: using Linux :: Linux administration :: network connectivity :: Linux security :: apache web server :: книга :: скачать
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