Easy to take and use anywhere, the MySQL Pocket Reference provides instant reminders on how to use important MySQL functions in conjunction with key parts of the LAMP open source infrastructure. The book covers installation of MySQL and includes a description of SQL commands, data types, operators, and functions. In this small book, you get a handy reference to the enormous feature set of MySQL, the dominant database in the open source world.

Chapter 1. MySQL Pocket Reference
Section 1.1. Introduction
Section 1.2. Installation
Section 1.3. Command-Line Tools
Section 1.4. Data Types
Section 1.5. SQL
Section 1.6. Operators
Section 1.7. Functions
Section 1.8. Table Types
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Теги: MySQL :: базы данных :: работа с базами данных :: программирование :: MySQL pocket reference :: Reese :: George Reese :: command-line tools :: SQL :: data types :: operators :: functions :: типы данных :: операторы :: функции :: книга :: скачать
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