PHP and MySQL For Dummies - 2nd Edition - Janet Valade - 2004.
Think of this book as your friendly guide to building a Web database application. This book is designed as a reference, not as a tutorial, so you don’t have to read this book from cover to cover, unless you want to. You can start reading at any point in the book - in Chapter 1, Chapter 9, wherever. I divide the task of building a Web database application into manageable chunks of information, so check out the table of contents and locate the topic that you’re interested in. If you need to know information from another chapter to understand the chapter you’re reading, I reference that chapter number.
Here’s a sample of the topics that I discuss in this book:
- Building and using a MySQL database
- Adding PHP to HTML files
- Using the features of the PHP language
- Using HTML forms to collect information from users
- Showing information from a database in a Web page
- Storing information in a database

Introduction ..1
Part I: Developing a Web Database Application
Using PHP and MySQL 7
Chapter 1: Introduction to PHP and MySQL 9
Chapter 2: Setting Up Your Work Environment ..21
Chapter 3: Developing a Web Database Application ..37
Part II: MySQL Database .63
Chapter 4: Building the Database .65
Chapter 5: Protecting Your Data 93
Part III: PHP ..113
Chapter 6: General PHP 115
Chapter 7: PHP Building Blocks for Programs ..145
Chapter 8: Data In, Data Out .189
Chapter 9: Moving Information from One Web Page to the Next .257
Part IV: Applications ..279
Chapter 10: Putting It All Together 281
Chapter 11: Building an Online Catalog .293
Chapter 12: Building a Members Only Web Site ..331
Part V: The Part of Tens .361
Chapter 13: Ten Things You Might Want to Do Using PHP Functions ..363
Chapter 14: Ten PHP Gotchas ..371
Part VI: Appendixes .377
Appendix A: Installing MySQL .379
Appendix B: Installing PHP .395
Appendix C: Installing and Configuring Apache ..409
Index ..421
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Смотрите также учебники, книги и учебные материалы:
- MySQL, Essential Skills, Horn J.W., Grey M.
- Библия хакера, книга 2, Левин М.
- Beginning PHP4
- Build Your Own Database Driven Website using PHP and MySQL, Kevin Yank
- PHP5 For Dummies, Valade J.
- MySQL/PHP Database Applications, Bulger B., Greenspan J., Wall D.
- Beginning PHP, Apache, MySQL Web Development, Michael Glass, Yann Le Scouarnec, Elizabeth Naramore, Gary Mailer, Jeremy Stolz, Jason Gerner
- Программирование во Flash MX 2004, Action Script 2.0, Гурский Д.