учебник по программированию

The JFreeChart Class Library, Gilbert D., 2004

The JFreeChart Class Library, Gilbert D., 2004.

   JFreeChart is a free chart library for the Java(tm) platform. It is designed for use in applications, applets, servlets and JSP. JFreeChart is distributed with complete source code subject to the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence (see Appendix В for details).

The JFreeChart Class Library, Gilbert D., 2004

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Swing, Robinson M., Vorobiev P., 2003

Swing, Robinson M., Vorobiev P., 2003.

   This book builds on the successful approach of the first edition of Swing, once again taking the power and flexibility of Java's Swing library to its limits. Using a fast-paced style, it starts by introducing each of the Swing components and continues with production-quality code examples in which Swing features are customized, combined, and vigorously exercised to demonstrate real-world usage.

Swing, Robinson M., Vorobiev P., 2003

Скачать и читать Swing, Robinson M., Vorobiev P., 2003

Java Servlet & JSP Cookbook, Perry B.W., 2004

Java Servlet & JSP Cookbook, Perry B.W., 2004.

   With literally hundreds of examples and thousands of lines of code, the Java Servlet and JSP Cookbook yields tips and techniques that any Java web developer who uses JavaServer Pages or servlets will use every day, along with full-fledged solutions to significant web application development problems that developers can insert directly into their own applications.

Java Servlet & JSP Cookbook, Perry B.W., 2004

Скачать и читать Java Servlet & JSP Cookbook, Perry B.W., 2004

Java Network Programming, 3rd Edition, Harold E.R., 2004

Java Network Programming, 3rd Edition, Harold E.R., 2004.

   Thoroughly revised to cover all the 100+ significant updates to Java Developers Kit (JDK) 1.5, Java Network Programming is a complete introduction to developing network programs (both applets and applications) using Java, covering everything from networking fundamentals to remote method invocation (RMI). It includes chapters on TCP and UDP sockets, multicasting protocol and content handlers, servlets, and the new I/O API. This is the essential resource for any serious Java developer.

Java Network Programming, 3rd Edition, Harold E.,R., 2004

Скачать и читать Java Network Programming, 3rd Edition, Harold E.R., 2004

Java Development With Ant, Hatcher E., Loughran S., 2002

Java Development With Ant, Hatcher E., Loughran S., 2002.

    The most widely used build tool for Java projects, Ant is cross-platform, extensible, simple, and fast. It scales from small personal projects to large, multi-team J2EE projects. And, most importantly, it's easy to learn. Java Development with Ant systematically explores what Ant can do and how to apply it to your project. Whether you are new to Ant or an experienced user, this book will show you powerful and creative uses for Ant. The book emphasizes basic concepts you need to know to effectively use Ant starting with Ant's XML-driven build process. It leads you step-by-step through everything you need to know to compile, test, package, and deploy an application. It then guides you through the maze of more complex situations common in larger projects such as enterprise Java applications and Web Services. With this book you will gain access to a powerful tool to automatically build, test and deploy your Java software, no matter how simple or complexit might be.

Java Development With Ant, Hatcher E., Loughran S., 2002

Скачать и читать Java Development With Ant, Hatcher E., Loughran S., 2002

Java 1.5 Tiger, A Developer s Notebook, Flanagan D., McLaughlin B., 2004

Java 1.5 Tiger, A Developer's Notebook, Flanagan D., McLaughlin B., 2004.

   Java 5.0, code-named "Tiger", promises to be the mostsignificant new version of Java since the introduction of the language. With over a hundred substantial changes to the core language, as well as numerous library and API additions, developers have a variety of new features, facilities, and techniques available.

Java 1.5 Tiger, A Developer's Notebook, Flanagan D., McLaughlin B., 2004

Скачать и читать Java 1.5 Tiger, A Developer s Notebook, Flanagan D., McLaughlin B., 2004

Jakarta Struts Cookbook, Siggelkow B.B., 2005

Jakarta Struts Cookbook, Siggelkow B.B., 2005.

   The Jakarta Struts Cookbook is an amazing collection of code solutions to common — and uncommon — problems encountered when building web applications with the Struts Framework. With solutions to real-world problems just a few page flips away, this quick, look-up reference is perfect for independent developers, large development teams, and everyone in between who wishes to use the Struts Framework to its fullest potential.

Jakarta Struts Cookbook, Siggelkow B.B., 2005

Скачать и читать Jakarta Struts Cookbook, Siggelkow B.B., 2005

Динамическое программирование в экономических задачах, Лежнев А.В., 2010

Динамическое программирование в экономических задачах, Лежнев А.В., 2010.

   Изложен принцип оптимальности и базирующийся на нем метод динамического программирования решения задач управления многошаговыми процессами, разобран ряд примеров решения типовых задач экономического содержания, рассмотрены обобщения классического принципа оптимальности и метода динамического программирования на случай задач из теории графов. Контрольные вопросы и задачи позволят закрепить полученные знания теоретического материала и обрести навык самостоятельного решения задач, дадут возможность использовать пособие для работы на практических занятиях.
Для студентов экономических специальностей ВУЗов, а также для студентов технических специальностей, изучающих соответствующий раздел математического программирования.

Динамическое программирование в экономических задачах, Лежнев А.В., 2010

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