Английский язык, 9 класс, Часть 1, Юхнель Н.В., Демченко Н.В., Наумова Е.Г., 2017.
Read a mum’s letter to the psychology magazine. What are her concerns?
Why are my teenage kids (13 and 16 years old) so ungrateful?
They’re rude, lazy, disrespectful, expensive - and they live in my house.
They don’t work. They get terrible grades. Yet they are always yelling at me. I help them in every way I can! I provide for them and I help by tutoring my daughter and pay for my son’s sports. They do very little in return to help me. They even gave up saying please and thank you.
We took them on a tour around France last year, spending a lot of money and taking time to plan things, which may be of interest to them. They moaned and argued the entire time.
How did I raise children who are so self-centred? Where did they get the idea that I am on this earth to just serve their needs?!
Marion McGilvary