Буддизм в вопросах и ответах, в помощь учителю ОРКСЭ, Пуховская Е.Ю., 2014.
Учебно-методические материалы предназначены для учителей ОРКСЭ, истории и обществознания. Формат «вопрос–ответ» позволил обозначить ключевые религиоведческие проблемы (история и современность, догматика и обрядность, священные предметы и праздники, культовые постройки и этические нормы буддизма). Предлагаемые учителю материалы ориентированы на усвоение школьниками базовых знаний о буддизме и могут быть использованы на школьных уроках. Постановка проблем и дискуссионных вопросов важна для понимания значения религий во всемирной истории и в глобальном мире.
Буддизм в вопросах и ответах, в помощь учителю ОРКСЭ, Пуховская Е.Ю., 2014
Скачать и читать Буддизм в вопросах и ответах, в помощь учителю ОРКСЭ, Пуховская Е.Ю., 2014Objective advanced, Teacher’s book, O Dell А., Broadhead А., 2014
Objective advanced, teacher's book, O'Dell А., Broadhead А., 2014.
The publishers have no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and do not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel timetables, and other factual information given in this work is correct at the time of first printing but the publishers do not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter.
Скачать и читать Objective advanced, Teacher’s book, O Dell А., Broadhead А., 2014The publishers have no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and do not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel timetables, and other factual information given in this work is correct at the time of first printing but the publishers do not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter.
Сейчас или никогда, как перестать откладывать дела, Лэйн Р., 2014
Сейчас или никогда, как перестать откладывать дела, Лэйн Р., 2014.
Не зря многие психологи трактуют прокрастинацию как «болезнь современности». Привычка откладывать выполнение важных дел негативно отражается не только на личной эффективности, но и на психологическом здоровье человека. Прокрастинация становится образом жизни, который ведет к возникновению стрессов, проблемам с самооценкой и трудностям в общении с окружающими. В этой книге раскрыты главные причины, порождающие этот недуг, его виды и последствия. Автор рекомендует избавляться от прокрастинации через изменение модели поведения и мышления. В книге также представлены практические «лекарства»: инструменты и методы, которые помогут преодолеть симптомы прокрастинации и больше никогда с ними не сталкиваться.
Скачать и читать Сейчас или никогда, как перестать откладывать дела, Лэйн Р., 2014Не зря многие психологи трактуют прокрастинацию как «болезнь современности». Привычка откладывать выполнение важных дел негативно отражается не только на личной эффективности, но и на психологическом здоровье человека. Прокрастинация становится образом жизни, который ведет к возникновению стрессов, проблемам с самооценкой и трудностям в общении с окружающими. В этой книге раскрыты главные причины, порождающие этот недуг, его виды и последствия. Автор рекомендует избавляться от прокрастинации через изменение модели поведения и мышления. В книге также представлены практические «лекарства»: инструменты и методы, которые помогут преодолеть симптомы прокрастинации и больше никогда с ними не сталкиваться.
Cambridge English, complete advanced, work book, with answers, second edition, Matthews L., Thomas B., 2014
Cambridge English, complete advanced, work book, with answers, second edition, Matthews L., Thomas B., 2014.
Complete Advanced 2nd Edition is a stimulating and thorough preparation course for students who wish to take the Cambridge English: Advanced exam from 2015). It teaches the reading, writing, listening and speaking skills necessary for the exam as well as the grammar and vocabulary which, from research into the Cambridge Learner Corpus, are known to be essential for exam success.
Скачать и читать Cambridge English, complete advanced, work book, with answers, second edition, Matthews L., Thomas B., 2014Complete Advanced 2nd Edition is a stimulating and thorough preparation course for students who wish to take the Cambridge English: Advanced exam from 2015). It teaches the reading, writing, listening and speaking skills necessary for the exam as well as the grammar and vocabulary which, from research into the Cambridge Learner Corpus, are known to be essential for exam success.
Cambridge English, complete advanced, Student’s book, without answers, Brook-Hart G., Heines S., 2014
Cambridge English, complete advanced, student's book, without answers, second edition, Brook-Hart G., Heines S., 2014.
Complete Advanced 2nd Edition is a stimulating and thorough preparation course for students who wish to take the Cambridge English: Advanced exam from 2015). It teaches the reading, writing, listening and speaking skills necessary for the exam as well as the grammar and vocabulary which, from research into the Cambridge Learner Corpus, are known to be essential for exam success.
Скачать и читать Cambridge English, complete advanced, Student’s book, without answers, Brook-Hart G., Heines S., 2014Complete Advanced 2nd Edition is a stimulating and thorough preparation course for students who wish to take the Cambridge English: Advanced exam from 2015). It teaches the reading, writing, listening and speaking skills necessary for the exam as well as the grammar and vocabulary which, from research into the Cambridge Learner Corpus, are known to be essential for exam success.
Cambridge English, complete advanced, word list, with answers, second edition, Brook-Hart G., Heines S., 2014
Cambridge English, complete advanced, word list, with answers, second edition, Brook-Hart G., Heines S., 2014.
Complete Advanced 2nd Edition is a stimulating and thorough preparation course for students who wish to take the Cambridge English: Advanced exam from 2015). It teaches the reading, writing, listening and speaking skills necessary for the exam as well as the grammar and vocabulary which, from research into the Cambridge Learner Corpus, are known to be essential for exam success.
Скачать и читать Cambridge English, complete advanced, word list, with answers, second edition, Brook-Hart G., Heines S., 2014Complete Advanced 2nd Edition is a stimulating and thorough preparation course for students who wish to take the Cambridge English: Advanced exam from 2015). It teaches the reading, writing, listening and speaking skills necessary for the exam as well as the grammar and vocabulary which, from research into the Cambridge Learner Corpus, are known to be essential for exam success.
Cambridge English, complete advanced, Student’s book, with answers, Brook-Hart G., Heines S., 2014
Cambridge English, complete advanced, student's book, with answers, second edition, Brook-Hart G., Heines S., 2014.
Complete Advanced 2nd Edition is a stimulating and thorough preparation course for students who wish to take the Cambridge English: Advanced exam from 2015). It teaches the reading, writing, listening and speaking skills necessary for the exam as well as the grammar and vocabulary which, from research into the Cambridge Learner Corpus, are known to be essential for exam success.
Скачать и читать Cambridge English, complete advanced, Student’s book, with answers, Brook-Hart G., Heines S., 2014Complete Advanced 2nd Edition is a stimulating and thorough preparation course for students who wish to take the Cambridge English: Advanced exam from 2015). It teaches the reading, writing, listening and speaking skills necessary for the exam as well as the grammar and vocabulary which, from research into the Cambridge Learner Corpus, are known to be essential for exam success.
Cambridge English, super minds, work book 5, Puchta H., Gerngross G., Lewis-Jones P., 2014
Cambridge English, super minds, work book 5, Puchta H., Gerngross G., Lewis-Jones P., 2014.
This exciting seven-level course, from a highly experienced author team, enhances your students' thinking skills, improving their memory along with their English.
Develop language creatively with activities like role play and project work. Focus on functional language with communicative activities, explore social values through the stories and fascinating cross-curricular sections.
Скачать и читать Cambridge English, super minds, work book 5, Puchta H., Gerngross G., Lewis-Jones P., 2014This exciting seven-level course, from a highly experienced author team, enhances your students' thinking skills, improving their memory along with their English.
Develop language creatively with activities like role play and project work. Focus on functional language with communicative activities, explore social values through the stories and fascinating cross-curricular sections.
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