Купить книгу Five-Minute Activities, A resource book of short activities, Wright A., 1996

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    Five-Minute Activities is an invaluable source of ideas for language teachers. It contains resources of over 130 short activities for the language ...

  2. Five-Minute Activities. A Resource Book of Short Activities
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    Five-Minute Activities is an invaluable source of ideas for language teachers. It contains resources of over 130 short activities for the language ...

  3. Games for Language Learning. Wright Andrew

    Five-Minute Activities. A Resource Book of Short Activities. 6 55410 083. Five ... English World 4 Grammar Practice Book. 8011 232. English World 4 Grammar ...

  4. Pronunciation Practice Activities + Audio CD. A Resource ...

    This is a resource book for teachers looking for ideas on how they can make pronunciation teaching more interesting. It contains a collection of ...

  5. Dictionary Activities. Leaney Cindy - купить книгу с ...

    Dictionary Activities is a fantastic teaching resource which helps students get to know their dictionaries by explaining dictionary features and how to ...

  6. Discussions and More. Oral Fluency Practice in the ...

    The book includes many new activities for younger learners and lower-level learners, making it suitable for a wide range of teaching contexts. Activities are ...

  7. Scott Thornbury's 30 Language Teaching Methods. ...

    Scott Thornbury's very accessible 30 Teaching Methods, groups methods according to what they have in common, even if separated in time. At the same time, ...

  8. Vocabulary Activities with CD-ROM. Ur Penny

    These teacher-friendly activities are clearly written and wide-ranging, and the book also contains a detailed guidelines section outlining the key principles ...

  9. Five-Minute Activities for Business English / Книга на Английском

    This comprehensive resource book contains an easy-to-use set of short activities essential for anyone teaching Business English.

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  11. Five-Minute Activities for Business English. Hamilton Nick

    This comprehensive resource book contains an easy-to-use set of short activities essential for anyone teaching Business English.

  12. Activities for Very Young Learners. Book with Online ...

    This handbook contains over 90 easy-to-use activities for the very young learner classroom, and is ideal for teachers who are looking for ideas to engage their ...

  13. Language Activities for Teenagers. Lindstromberg Seth

    Here are 99 enjoyable activities, for 11-16 year olds, to coax, cajole and tempt them into learning English. The authors, drawing on their own vast experience, ...

  14. Jeremy Harmer's 50 Communicative Activities

    In this accessible book, Jeremy Harmer draws on his extensive experience of communicative language teaching to provide 50 tried and tested classroom ...

  15. CLIL Activities with CD-ROM. A Resource for Subject and ...

    Innovative activities for Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) teachers and trainee teachers. CLIL Activities is organised into five chapters: ...

  16. Keep Talking. Communicative Fluency Activities for ...

    Part I contains instructions for over 100 different exercises, including interviews, guessing games, jigsaw tasks, problem solving, values clarification ...

  17. Lexical Grammar: Activities for Teaching Chunks and ...

    This book is for anyone is interested in the relationship between grammar and vocabulary. The introduction looks at recent developments in corpus ...

  18. Dialogue Activities. Exploring Spoken Interaction in the ...

    Using dialogues in different contexts, this book provides over 100 practical activities for teachers to adapt for their classrooms.

  19. Alan Maley's 50 Creative Activities. Cambridge Handbooks ...

    Alan Maley's 50 Creative Activities is a collection of 50 classroom activities designed to promote creative language use. It is based on the premise that ...

  20. Scott Thornbury's 101 Grammar Questions

    A compact, user-friendly reference book addressing many of the kinds of questions about grammar that regularly confront teachers, both novice and ...

  21. David Crystal's 50 Questions About English Usage

    In this compact, user-friendly book, David Crystal draws on his extensive knowledge and experience to answer questions from English language teachers and ...

  22. Carol Read's 101 Tips for Teaching Primary Children

    This concise book is authored by the highly-regarded educator and author, Carol Read and draws on her significant expertise in teaching children aged 6-12.

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    ... practice and review the key language A cartoon in every unit following the delightful adventures of Cecil Mouse and Ellie May Circle-time activities, games ...

  24. English File. Intermediate Plus. 4th Edition. Teacher's ...

    English File. Intermediate Plus. 4th Edition. Teacher's Guide with Teacher's Resource Centre / Книга для учителя / Latham-Koenig Christina. Нет отзывов ...

  25. Little Stars 2. Workbook

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    The universities of India turn out about five thousand young men every year who have been stuffed with information for the purpose of passing the civil service ...


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