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ОГЭ 2025, Английский язык, Типовые экзаменационные варианты, 20 вариантов, Басова И.А., Трубанева Н.Н.
Фрагмент из книги.
The Arctic is not just a cold territory — it looks nothing like any other place on the Earth. There are no days and nights in the usual sense — the polar day and polar night last six months each. The Arctic life is characterized by short summers and long, cold winters, with temperatures well below freezing. In the summer, due to the long days of sunshine, the tipper layer of the land thaws a bit, which makes it possible for some plants to grow.

ОГЭ 2025, Английский язык, Типовые экзаменационные варианты, 20 вариантов, Басова И.А., Трубанева Н.Н.

The Rescue of Dresden Art Gallery.
Dresden, a city in Germany, has a long history as the capital and royal residence for German kings. The city was famous for its magnificent royal palaces and beautiful buildings. Besides its architectural wonders, the city had a priceless collection of ancient paintings. They were kept in the Old Masters Picture Gallery from the 18th century till World War II. That is why the city was sometimes called The Jewel Box.

Unfortunately, the city’s landmarks were totally destroyed during World War II Only in 2005 the city was finally restored. German and Russian archaeologists, sculptors end artists worked hard to return the city to its historical look. Dresden Art Gallery was one of the most challenging tasks.

When the Soviet Army entered Dresden in 1945, they found the gallery totally ruined, and most of its exhibits were burnt or gone. The gallery staff said that the masterpieces of Raphael, Rembrandt and Titian had been evacuated by railway. However, no one knew where exactly they were. General Konev, the Soviet Army’s commander, ordered to find the art collection as soon as possible.

Карта индивидуальных достижений обучающегося.
Инструкция по выполнению работы.
Инструкция по выполнению работы.
Тексты для аудирования.
Тексты для аудирования к заданию 2 устной части.
Ответы и критерии оценивания.
Критерии оценивания выполнения задания 35 «Электронное письмо».
Критерии оценивания выполнения заданий устной части (1-3).
Дополнительная схема оценивания задания 35 «Электронное письмо.

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