Practice Tests Plus, А2 Key Also Suitable for Schools, Alevizos K., Ashton S., Kosta J., 2019.
Practice Tests Plus offers teachers all they need to prepare their students for the Cambridge English Qualifications. Practice Tests Plus provides realistic practice, comprehensive guidance and strategies for-dealing with each exam paper.

My Love for Photography.
How did I get interested in photography? People usually think it’s because of my uncle, the famous photographer Oliver Brinkman. Maybe you’ve seen his TV show, Pictures of the World. However, I started taking photos on a school trip. I remember my grandma lent me her camera.
When I was 16, I studied photography at college. I remember feeling really worried about the course. I loved taking photos but I wasn’t sure how good I was. And sometimes it’s difficult having a famous uncle. People think you’ll be amazing too! My first job was at the local newspaper. My neighbour heard that the newspaper was looking for a photographer and suggested it to me. My mum said I should try and get the job and I got it! When I arrived for my first day, I found out that an old school friend was also working there.
Practice Test I with Training activities.
Practice Test 2 with Tip strips.
Practice Test 3.
Practice Test 4.
Practice Test 5.
Practice Test 6.
Grammar bank.
Speaking bank.
Writing bank.
Visuals for Speaking tests.
General questions.
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Теги: тесты по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Alevizos :: Ashton :: Kosta
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