Английский язык, 11 класс, Контрольные задания, Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В., Мильруд Р.П., Эванс В., 2017.
Сборник контрольных заданий предназначен для учащихся 11 класса, занимающихся по УМК серии «Звёздный английский» для общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка. Сборник содержит тестовые задания в двух вариантах к каждому модулю учебника и ключи ко всем заданиям сборника.

Feel the Beat.
Той definitely need money so don't even think about saying no.' Andy had phoned me first thing in the morning, dragging me out of a deep sleep. 'You do want a job, don't you?' I was about to mumble something that may have been agreement, but lacking the courage to make the leap into day, I told him to call me back in fifteen minutes. That gave me enough time to get out of bed, make a seriously strong coffee and kick-start my slow-to-wake system.
Still half-asleep in the kitchen, I thought over what he'd said. I'd been out of work far too long and was beginning to doubt I'd ever find suitable work. Since leaving school, I'd suffered a string of dead-end jobs that barely paid the bus fare. I'd been a meat packer, a shelf stacker, a mail sorter and a fish feeder. The meat went off, the shelves fell down, the mail got lost and the fish died. I sat down. The coffee was slowly working and I could feel the day coming into delayed focus.
The phone rang again. 'Okay,' I said. 'What have you got for me?' Andy paused before answering, 'Well, I know you're mad about music so how do you fancy being a Dj for a night?' I didn't hesitate. 'Are you serious? That's my dream job. I was bom to be a DJ.' Andy gave me some details and just before he rang off I asked where the job was and what time I needed to be there. 'Saint Owen's, Dewsbury Street, six o'clock,' and he put the phone down. It took me until early afternoon to realise that Saint Owen's was the local school for the deaf. My heart sank.
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Теги: тесты по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Баранова :: Дули :: Копылова :: Мильруд :: Эванс :: 11 класс
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- Cutting Edge, Pre-Intermediate Workbook with key, Cunningham S., Moor P., Cosgrove A., 2013
- Speakout Advanced Plus Workbook with Key, Storton R., 2018
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