Английский язык, проверочные работы, 7 класс, тренировочные тесты, Словохотов К.П., 2019

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Английский язык, Проверочные работы, 7 класс, Тренировочные тесты, Словохотов К.П., 2019.

   Пособие поможет школьникам подготовиться к проверочным и диагностическим работам по английскому языку в 7 классе, а также учиться выполнять задания в форматах ОГЭ и ЕГЭ на доступном уровне сложности. Тесты, входящие в книгу, содержат задания на все виды речевой деятельности и ключи к ним. Аудиоприложение можно скачать бесплатно.

Английский язык, Проверочные работы, 7 класс, Тренировочные тесты, Словохотов К.П., 2019

The first parachute jump.
On October, 22nd, 1797 Andre-Jacques Garnerin did the first successful parachute jump. It was a new, unique breathtaking experience. The brave man became a legend immediately after the jump. No one had ever attempted to drop from a dizzying height before him.

Andre-Jacques Garnerin was born in Paris on the 31st of January, 1769. He was captured during the Napoleonic Wars. For two years he was a prisoner of war in Buda in Hungary. This fact didn’t make him give in. In prison he began thinking of a plan how to get out. The air way was the most suitable to him. At that time he started designing a parachute that could finally give him freedom. His attempts were not successful and he had to serve three years in captivity.

Andre-Jacques had developed his interest in flying several years before. In 1790 he built a hot air balloon and successfully rose in the air.

In 1797 the Frenchman finally dared to do the first parachute jump in history. He got into the basket of a hot air balloon and then jumped out of it over Monceau Park in his home city, Paris.

The jump was extremely frightening. His parachute did not have a special hole in the canopy (купол), so air streams made it swing. But thanks to his bravery the parachutist made his landing, though it was a hard one.


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