ЕГЭ, английский язык, устная часть, Хитрова И.В., Нечепуренко Т.Л.
Everyday Activities. Vocabulary Organiser.
Make up sentences to describe your everyday activities. Use the word combinations given in the box. Specify if you do this or that activity often, seldom, never, sometimes.
to walk the dog to take out the rubbish to tidy one's room to do the hoovering to do the ironing to cook dinner to sweep the floor to water the plants to dust the furniture to wash dishes

TEST 1. Everyday Activities.
TASK 1. Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.
Many people don't realize how much can be gained by sharing your last meal of the day with your loved ones. Family dinner gives the entire household a chance to sit down together, relax, rejuvenate, reflect on everyone's day, and tell stories. Getting this daily update makes the family closer as a whole and develops better relationships with one another. Family dinner promotes healthy communication. It teaches kids to listen, to understand, to reflect, and to express themselves. It gives parents a chance to discuss sensitive or serious topics with their children. Having dinner at home every night also saves money. It is significantly cheaper than eating at restaurants every night, and it is also healthier. It can additionally be an opportunity for the whole family to get involved - kids can help their parents cook, set the table, clean, or do the dishes. It can be a group effort and something for everyone to do together.
1. Everyday Activities. Vocabulary Organiser.
TEST 1. Everyday Activities.
2. Travelling. Vocabulary Organiser.
TEST 2. Travelling.
3. Education and Learning. Vocabulary Organiser.
TEST 3. Education and Learning.
4. Science and Technology. Vocabulary Organiser.
TEST 4. Science and Technology.
5. Communication. Vocabulary Organiser.
TEST 5. Communication.
6. Family Relationship. Vocabulary Organiser.
TEST 6. Family Relationship.
7. Healthy Way of Living. Vocabulary Organiser.
TEST 7. Healthy Way of Living.
8. Nature and Environment. Ecological Problems. Vocabulary Organiser.
TEST 8. Nature and Environment. Ecological Problems.
9. Professions. Vocabulary Organiser.
TEST 9. Professions.
10. Customs and Traditions. Holidays. Vocabulary Organiser.
TEST 10. Customs and Traditions. Holidays.
1. Everyday Activities.
Routine work.
2. Travelling.
3. Education and Learning.
4. Science and Technology.
5. Communication.
6. Family Relationship.
7. Healthy Way of fliving.
Sports and where they are played.
Sport venues and equipment.
Players. Sports equipment.
Food and drinks.
8. Nature and Environment. Ecological Problems.
9. Professions.
Professions. Activities.
10. Customs and Traditions. Holidays.
Customs and Traditions. Holidays. Activities.
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Теги: Хитрова :: Нечепуренко :: английский язык :: ЕГЭ
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