This dictionary of modem Tibetan contains a wide range of lexical items used in political, social, economic, literary and scientific discourse. It includes the tens of thousands of new words that have been coined or have come into use since the incorporation of Tibet into the People's Republic of China in 1951, as well as new terminology used in the Tibetan exile communities in South Asia. It also contains the core lexical terminology that is used in everyday life and standard modem writing, together with a large corpus of proverbs and sayings that appear frequently in contemporary literary materials.

Acknowledgments and Preface.
The opening of Tibetan areas in China to the outside world and the development of numerous Tibetan communities in exile have brought Western students and researchers face-to-face with an enormous mass of Modem Tibetan official and unofficial written materials. This dictionary has been prepared to assist Westerners to read those materials. Compilation of the dictionary was made possible by grants from the International Research and Studies Program of the Department of Education (P017A30010) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (RT-21671-95), and I am grateful for their support of this project. I am also very grateful to Tashi Tsering and Ben Jiao for their careful and thoughtful assistance in defining lexical entries, to Pierre Robillard for his unstinting advice and assistance in creating and fine-tuning the Tibetan and linguistic fonts and for converting the entire dictionary into camera-ready copy. And last but certainly not least, I also want to offer thanks to Jan McDonald for her help in proofreading the final camera-ready copy and the many graduate and undergraduate students at Case Western Reserve University who worked on this project.
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Дата публикации:
Теги: словарь по тибетскому языку :: тибетский язык :: Shelling :: Surkhang
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Следующие учебники и книги:
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- Энциклопедический словарь библейских фразеологизмов, Дубровина К.Н., 2010
- Метеорологический словарь, Хромов С.П., Мамонтова Л.И., 1974
- Словарь парадоксальных определений, Кротов В.Г., 1995
Предыдущие статьи:
- Норвежско-русский политехнический словарь, Максимов В.Ф., Максимов Л.В., 1970
- Корякско-русский словарь, Молл Т.А., 1960
- Большой португальско-русский словарь, Феерпггейн Е.Н., Старец С.М., 2005
- Новый политехнический словарь, Ишлинский А.Ю.,2000