Английский язык, Устный экзамен для школьников и поступающих в вузы, Мусихина О.Н., 2015

Английский язык, Устный экзамен для школьников и поступающих в вузы, Мусихина О.Н., 2015.

   Данное учебное пособие является сборником анекдотов, шуток, смешных рассказов, исторических очерков и статей англоязычных и русскоязычных писателей и журналистов, взятых из различных источников, в том числе из газетных публикаций, а также из Интернета. Обработанные методически тексты позволяют почти полностью исключить трудоемкий процесс работы со словарями, так как тексты снабжены необходимым для их правильного понимания построчным словарем и послетекстовыми упражнениями, направленными на лучшее усвоение лексики и понимание изложенной в тексте информации. Такое построение материала дает возможность удобно и эффективно, начиная с небольших анекдотов и коротких смешных рассказов, переходить к более сложным текстам. На наш взгляд, это способствует совершенствованию знания английского языка обучаемыми.
Пособие предназначено как школьникам старших классов школ, лицеев и гимназий, так и студентам университетов. Значительную помощь пособие окажет и тем людям, которые хотят изучать или уже изучают английский язык самостоятельно.

Устный экзамен для школьников и поступающих в вузы, Мусихина О.Н., 2015

One day Mr. Bent received a picture from his friend who was a painter. Mr. Bent was very pleased with it as the painter told him that it was the most wonderful picture he had ever painted. However, when Mr. Bent wanted to hang it up he could not decide which the top was and which the bottom was.

So Mr. Bent thought of a plan. He hung the picture in the dining room and wrote a letter to the painter in which he said he looked forward to seeing him in his house for dinner. The painter promised to come and see him. The next day the painter came to join Mr. Bent for dinner. There was a large choice of dishes and wines, and the painter enjoyed the dinner very much. They started with gin and tonic. When the painter was eating soup, he looked at the picture few times. When he was eating roast-beef, he looked at the picture with surprise. Before he began drinking coffee, he walked up to the picture. The painter looked at the picture for some time and understood that the picture was hanging upside down. “Why, my friend,” he said, “my picture is upside down.” “Is it?” said Mr. Bent. “But why did it take you so long to find it out? You have painted it.”

Anecdotes, Jokes and Fairy-Tales. Анекдоты, шутки и сказки
She was a star pupil
He shot them all  
A miser pays twice
A tramp and a fanner  
A painter and a banker
Joseph Turner and his doctor  
A painter and an old country man  
A painter and his friend  
A playwright  
The American tourist in England  
Einstein for a day  
No Parking  
The Three Wishes  
A Narcissus (Ancient myth)  
How Different Languages Have Appeared On Earth  
Short Stories. Короткие рассказы  
The Luncheon
Running for the Train
A Victim to One Hundred and Seven Fatal Maladies
Uncle Theophilus  
The Sandglass  
A Freshman’s Experience  
The Ransom of Red Chief  
How We Kept Mother’s Day
The Errors of Santa Claus  
How to Be an Alien
A Few Historical Facts. Немного истории
Ancient Wonders of the World
Crusades: Links with the Past
From the History of Britain
Australia’s Unique History
Agatha Christie     
Noah Webster
Albert Einstein
Some More Information about English-Speaking World. Еще немного информации об англоговорящем мире
The Future of English
An Englishman’s Meals
English Cookery and Meals
English Weather
Suffering From a Lack of Belief
Global Plan to Protect Film Culture
The Value of American Domination
‘The Scream’ Is Auctioned for a Record $119.9 Million
Sightseeings. Осмотр достопримечательностей
London Transport
London: Places of Interest
The Houses of Parliament
New-York: the Beginnings
Sightseeings of New York
The Statue of Liberty at Home in Paris
Washington, D.C
Lincoln Memorial
The USA in the 50’s: Houses
About Russia
The Moscow Kremlin
Amur Leopard Adoption Launched
The Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Game
International Volunteer Day
Список использованной литературы.

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