
Grammar Essentials For Dummies, Woods G., 2019

Grammar Essentials For Dummies, Woods G., 2019.

For students competing for the decreasing pool of college scholarships, writing a stellar entrance essay can make all the difference. With discrete explanations of vital grammar rules, common usage errors, and the other key concepts people need to refer to most often, Grammar Essentials For Dummies provides crucial information to help students communicate accurately and effectively. This guide is also a perfect reference for parents who need to review critical grammar concepts as they help students with homework assignments or college entrance essays, as well as for adult learners headed back into the classroom and people learning English as a next language.

Grammar Essentials For Dummies, Woods G., 2019
Скачать и читать Grammar Essentials For Dummies, Woods G., 2019

Basic English Grammar For Dummies, Woods G., 2015

Basic English Grammar For Dummies, Woods G., 2015.

   English grammar is not a mystery. It is a set of traditions and patterns of language handed down through the years. Anyone can learn the rules of Standard English. Basic English Grammar For Dummies explains what you need to know. With practice and the information in this book, you can express yourself confidently and correctly. Even Aunt Louise will be pleased!

Basic English Grammar For Dummies, Woods G., 2015
Скачать и читать Basic English Grammar For Dummies, Woods G., 2015