Фрагмент из книги:
My name’s Sally and I’m going to tell you about myself. I live in London. Our fl at is on the tenth fl oor so we have to go up in a lift to get to it! The place where we live is OK but unfortunately a lot of people around here throw rubbish on the street instead of putting it in the bin, so the pavements get dirty and that’s not really very nice, is it? Anyway, what else can I tell you? Well, I like sport a lot, especially football, but I don’t play it, I just watch it on TV. I think perhaps I should do some sport because I eat a lot! I just love biscuits and most days I eat a lot of sweets too, so I’m not the healthiest person in the world! Starting next week, though, I’m going to start cycling to school (now I use the underground), so that will help me to get fi t, I hope!