Английский язык, 8 класс, Котлярова М.Б., Мельник Т.Н.
Numerals.1. Прочитай.
a symbol (символ) — a symbol, symbols, the national symbol. Every country has its symbols. What are the national symbols of the UK? The national symbols of Belarus are its national flag, national emblem, and anthem.
an emblem (эмблема) — emblems, emblems of peace, an emblem of independence. Is the national emblem of England a rose? The symbols of many countries are flowers.
a rose (роза) — roses. The rose is a symbol of. beauty and love. The roses smelt fantastic! My mother likes red roses very much.
thistle (чертополох). The thistle has thorns (колючки). The Scottish people chose the thistle as their national emblem, because this plant saved their land.
a daffodil (нарцисс). Daffodils, beautiful daffodils. Daffodils are spring flowers. The daffodil is a plant with long leaves and yellow or white flowers. Have you ever seen a field of daffodils? The daffodil is closely associated with St. David's Day.
shamrock (трилистник). A shamrock is a three-leaved plant. The shamrock is the national flower of Ireland. Every Irishman wears a shamrock (the national emblem) on St. Patrick's Day.