книги на английском языке

Electrochemical Dictionary, Bard A., Inzelt G., Scholz F., 2008

Electrochemical Dictionary, Bard A., Inzelt G., Scholz F., 2008.

Science needs language, not only for communication among people, but we all need language for thinking, for constructing models, for forming our ideas. Clear-cut terms that are accepted and understood by the scientific community are the basis of scientific language. The goal of this “Electrochemical Dictionary” is to provide a reference manual where the reader of electrochemical literature can quickly find short explanations of scientific terms. Fundamental definitions are very important, especially the recommendations of IUPAC, which were a primary source, where available. In many cases intensive discussion among the editors and expert authors resulted in the definitions that can be found in this book. It is our hope that the definitions of terms proposed herein will be accepted and used in the future by the scientific community.

Electrochemical Dictionary, Bard A., Inzelt G., Scholz F., 2008
Скачать и читать Electrochemical Dictionary, Bard A., Inzelt G., Scholz F., 2008

Волшебник Страны Оз, Книга для домашнего чтения на английском языке для учащихся гимназий и лицеев 7-8 классов, Баум Ф., 1996

Волшебник Страны Оз, Книга для домашнего чтения на английском языке для учащихся гимназий и лицеев 7-8 классов, Баум Ф., 1996.  

Адаптированный вариант этого произведения рекомендуется для классного и внеклассного чтения гимназистов, лицеистов и учащихся школ с углубленным изучением английского языка для развития навыков чтения, устной речи (диалогов и монологов), а также привития обучаемым интереса к художественной литературе англоязычных стран. Книга соответствует требованиям программ, снабжена подробными комментариями, американизмами и словарем, в который включена активная лексика, труднопроизносимые слова. Все это необходимо для увеличения активного словаря учащихся, ранее изучавших язык и имеющих определенные теоретические знания по грамматике и определенный лексический минимум. Текст построен на общепринятой разговорной лексике. Грамматические модели в диалогах являются наиболее часто встречающимися в беседах, кратких и полных ответах, перфектных временах, модальных глаголах, устойчивых выражениях с предлогами и артиклями.

Волшебник Страны Оз, Книга для домашнего чтения на английском языке для учащихся гимназий и лицеев 7-8 классов, Баум Ф., 1996
Скачать и читать Волшебник Страны Оз, Книга для домашнего чтения на английском языке для учащихся гимназий и лицеев 7-8 классов, Баум Ф., 1996

English Algorithmic Grammar, Georgiev H., 2006

English Algorithmic Grammar, Georgiev H., 2006.

The ultimate goal of Computational Linguistics is to teach the computer to understand Natural Language. This research monograph presents a description of English according to algorithms which can be programmed into a computer to analyse natural language texts. The algorithmic approach uses series of instructions, written in Natural Language and organised in flow charts, with the aim of analysing certain aspects of the grammar of a sentence. One problem with text processing is the difficulty in distinguishing word forms that belong to parts of speech taken out of context. In order to solve this problem, Hristo Georgiev starts with the assumption that every word is either a verb or a non-verb. From here he presents an algorithm which allows the computer to recognise parts of speech which to a human would be obvious though the meaning of the words. Emphasis for a computer is placed on verbs, nouns, participles and adjectives. English Algorithmic Grammar presents information for computers to recognise tenses, syntax, parsing, reference, and clauses. The final chapters of the book examine the further applications of an algorithmic approach to English grammar, and suggests ways in which the computer can be programmed to recognise meaning. This is an innovative, cutting-edge approach to computational linguistics that will be essential reading for academics researching computational linguistics, machine translation and natural language processing.

English Algorithmic Grammar, Georgiev H., 2006
Скачать и читать English Algorithmic Grammar, Georgiev H., 2006

Coding the Matrix, Linear Algebra through Applications to Computer Science, Klein P.N.

Coding the Matrix, Linear Algebra through Applications to Computer Science, Edition 1,  Klein P.N.

An engaging introduction to vectors and matrices and the algorithms that operate on them, intended for the student who knows how to program. Mathematical concepts and computational problems are motivated by applications in computer science. The reader learns by doing, writing programs to implement the mathematical concepts and using them to carry out tasks and explore the applications. Examples include: error-correcting codes, transformations in graphics, face detection, encryption and secret-sharing, integer factoring, removing perspective from an image, PageRank (Google's ranking algorithm), and cancer detection from cell features. A companion web site, codingthematrix.com provides data and support code. Most of the assignments can be auto-graded online. Over two hundred illustrations, including a selection of relevant xkcd comics.

Coding the Matrix, Linear Algebra through Applications to Computer Science, Edition 1,  Klein P.N.
Скачать и читать Coding the Matrix, Linear Algebra through Applications to Computer Science, Klein P.N.

Roadmap A1, Students Book, Maris A., 2021

Roadmap A1, Students' Book, Maris A., 2021.

Roadmap is a new, eight-level general English course for adults that recognises every class is different, every learner is unique. Roadmap’s rich content and flexible organisation allows teachers to personalise their lessons to give learners the specific language training they need to progress. Engaging and clearly-organised with an extensive range of support materials, Roadmap makes lessons easy to prepare and fun to teach.

Roadmap A1, Students' Book, Maris A., 2021
Скачать и читать Roadmap A1, Students Book, Maris A., 2021

IELTS Language Practice, Vince M., French A., 2011

IELTS Language Practice, Vince M., French A., 2011.

IELTS Language Practice is a reference and practice book for students preparing for the IELTS examination. It provides clear grammar explanations and regular practice units to consolidate the grammar points in a wider context. There are themed vocabulary units that contextualize essential words and phrases, offering a variety of exercise types students will encounter in the IELTS exam.

IELTS Language Practice, Vince M., French A., 2011
Скачать и читать IELTS Language Practice, Vince M., French A., 2011

Oxford Dictionary of Idioms, Siefring J., 2004

Oxford Dictionary of Idioms, Siefring J., 2004.

What is it to 'cock a snook', where is the land of Nod, and who was first to go the extra mile? Find the answers to these questions (and many more!) in the new edition of the Oxford Dictionary of Idioms.

Oxford Dictionary of Idioms, Siefring J., 2004
Скачать и читать Oxford Dictionary of Idioms, Siefring J., 2004

Introduction to US Cybersecurity Careers, Dalziel H., 2015

Introduction to US Cybersecurity Careers, Dalziel H., 2015.

Introduction to US Cybersecurity Careers is a concise introduction to the world of cybersecurity and the career opportunities therein. This book provides a basic rundown of industry sectors, roles, and places to search for job opportunities within the US cybersecurity industry. Within this book is vital information for anyone trying to get into the industry - basic knowledge for those looking to start training for a career, tips on networking and resume-building in a fast-evolving and nontraditional sector, and advice on how to get your foot in the door and become recognized in your field. This book is designed to help those who are just starting out in cybersecurity and those who have training and knowledge and want to get into the industry.Introduction to US Cybersecurity Careers is your first-stop reference for everything you need to know to start your journey.

Introduction to US Cybersecurity Careers, Dalziel H., 2015
Скачать и читать Introduction to US Cybersecurity Careers, Dalziel H., 2015
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