
Wider World Starter, Workbook, Vassilatou T., Kilbey L., Bright C., Heath J., 2018

Wider World Starter, Workbook, Vassilatou T., Kilbey L., Bright C., Heath J., 2018.

Фрагмент из книги:
Sam loves cakes and chocolate and he often eats pizza and chips, but Tammy doesn't usually eat them. Sam doesn't like fruit and he hates vegetables, but Tammy loves them. Tammy likes chocolate but she doesn't eat it a lot. Sam usually drinks cola, but Tammy doesn't like it. She drinks fruit juice or water. Who is healthy, Tammy or Sam?

Wider World Starter, Workbook, Vassilatou T., Kilbey L., Bright C., Heath J., 2018
Купить бумажную или электронную книгу и скачать и читать Wider World Starter, Workbook, Vassilatou T., Kilbey L., Bright C., Heath J., 2018

Wider World Starter, Student’s Book, Zervas S., Bright C., 2018

Wider World Starter, Student's Book, Zervas S., Bright C., 2018.

Фрагмент из книги:
Jason and his family are very different!
Jason wants an iguana. His sister, Jackie, wants a rabbit and their parents want a parrot! They all watch TV. Jackie, mum and dad like films and Jason likes cartoons!
At the weekends Jason goes to the park with his friends. Jackie hangs out with her best friend and their parents visit the neighbours.

Wider World Starter, Student's Book, Zervas S., Bright C., 2018
Купить бумажную или электронную книгу и скачать и читать Wider World Starter, Student’s Book, Zervas S., Bright C., 2018
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