ЕГЭ 2025, Английский язык, Отличный результат, Вербицкая М.В., Махмурян К.С., Нечаева Е.Н.
Серия подготовлена разработчиками контрольных измерительных материалов (КИМ) единого государственного экзамена.
Настоящее учебно-практическое пособие поможет выпускникам добиться оптимальных результатов на едином государственном экзамене благодаря целенаправленной активизации знаний и умений, проработке пошаговых действий, необходимых для успешного выполнения каждого типового экзаменационного задания, и отработке навыков их самостоятельного применения.
Но каждому из заданий экзаменационной работы в пособии предусмотрен следующий учебный и практический материал.
• характеристика задания и пошаговая инструкция по его выполнению;
• пример выполнения задания с комментариями и ответом;
• необходимая для выполнения задания теория;
• анализ типичных ошибок при выполнении задания;
• тренировочные материалы к каждому типу заданий: тренировочные и типовые экзаменационные задания;
• встроенный бланк ответа для тренировки навыков его правильного заполнения.
Сборник также содержит типовые экзаменационные варианты для проведения входной диагностики и итогового контроля.
Пособие предназначено для комплексной подготовки к государственной итоговой аттестации в форме ЕГЭ.
английский язык
ЕГЭ 2025, Английский язык, Отличный результат, Вербицкая М.В., Махмурян К.С., Нечаева Е.Н.
Скачать и читать ЕГЭ 2025, Английский язык, Отличный результат, Вербицкая М.В., Махмурян К.С., Нечаева Е.Н.Outcomes Intermediate, Students Book, Sayer M., Walkley A., 2016
Outcomes Intermediate, Students Book, Sayer M., Walkley A., 2016.
The textbook has a clear, uniform grammar program, closely tied to the context of the unit. The work on grammatical structures is carried out using an inductive approach and is supported by a very easy-to-understand grammar reference. Inspiring National Geographic videos provide real global content and language, and the Conversation Practice videos in each unit provide a model for real, natural communication.
Скачать и читать Outcomes Intermediate, Students Book, Sayer M., Walkley A., 2016The textbook has a clear, uniform grammar program, closely tied to the context of the unit. The work on grammatical structures is carried out using an inductive approach and is supported by a very easy-to-understand grammar reference. Inspiring National Geographic videos provide real global content and language, and the Conversation Practice videos in each unit provide a model for real, natural communication.
Outcomes Upper-Intermediate, Teachers Book, Sayer M., Walkley A., 2017
Outcomes Upper-Intermediate, Teachers Book, Sayer M., Walkley A., 2017.
The second edition of Outcomes has been fully revised and updated to provide contemporary, global content and stunning National Geographic photos and videos. Its trademark lexically-rich approach shows students how vocabulary works, and the evenly-paced grammar syllabus provides examples and tasks based on what people actually say and write. With a huge variety of talking points and practice, Outcomes teaches students the English they need to communicate outside the classroom.
Скачать и читать Outcomes Upper-Intermediate, Teachers Book, Sayer M., Walkley A., 2017The second edition of Outcomes has been fully revised and updated to provide contemporary, global content and stunning National Geographic photos and videos. Its trademark lexically-rich approach shows students how vocabulary works, and the evenly-paced grammar syllabus provides examples and tasks based on what people actually say and write. With a huge variety of talking points and practice, Outcomes teaches students the English they need to communicate outside the classroom.
Outcomes Upper-Intermediate, Workbook, Maris A., 2016
Outcomes Upper-Intermediate, Workbook, Maris A., 2016.
Outcomes is a completely new general English course in which: Natural, real-world grammar and vocabulary help students to succeed in social, professional, and academic settings CEF goals are the focus of communication activities where students learn and practise the language they need to have conversations in English Clear outcomes in every lesson of every unit provide students with a sense of achievement as they progress through the course.
Скачать и читать Outcomes Upper-Intermediate, Workbook, Maris A., 2016Outcomes is a completely new general English course in which: Natural, real-world grammar and vocabulary help students to succeed in social, professional, and academic settings CEF goals are the focus of communication activities where students learn and practise the language they need to have conversations in English Clear outcomes in every lesson of every unit provide students with a sense of achievement as they progress through the course.
Outcomes Upper-Intermediate, Students Book, Dellar H., Walkley A., 2016
Outcomes Upper-Intermediate, Students Book, Dellar H., Walkley A., 2016.
The textbook has a clear, uniform grammar program, closely tied to the context of the unit. The work on grammatical structures is carried out using an inductive approach and is supported by a very easy-to-understand grammar reference. Inspiring National Geographic videos provide real global content and language, and the Conversation Practice videos in each unit provide a model for real, natural communication.
Скачать и читать Outcomes Upper-Intermediate, Students Book, Dellar H., Walkley A., 2016The textbook has a clear, uniform grammar program, closely tied to the context of the unit. The work on grammatical structures is carried out using an inductive approach and is supported by a very easy-to-understand grammar reference. Inspiring National Geographic videos provide real global content and language, and the Conversation Practice videos in each unit provide a model for real, natural communication.
Outcomes Advanced, Students Book
Outcomes Advanced, Students Book.
Outcomes is a completely new general English course in which: Natural, real-world grammar and vocabulary help students to succeed in social, professional, and academic settings CEF goals are the focus of communication activities where students learn and practise the language they need to have conversations in English Clear outcomes in every lesson of every unit provide students with a sense of achievement as they progress through the course.
Скачать и читать Outcomes Advanced, Students BookOutcomes is a completely new general English course in which: Natural, real-world grammar and vocabulary help students to succeed in social, professional, and academic settings CEF goals are the focus of communication activities where students learn and practise the language they need to have conversations in English Clear outcomes in every lesson of every unit provide students with a sense of achievement as they progress through the course.
ОГЭ 2025, Английский язык, Типовые экзаменационные варианты, 20 вариантов, Басова И.А., Трубанева Н.Н.
ОГЭ 2025, Английский язык, Типовые экзаменационные варианты, 20 вариантов, Басова И.А., Трубанева Н.Н.
Фрагмент из книги.
The Arctic is not just a cold territory — it looks nothing like any other place on the Earth. There are no days and nights in the usual sense — the polar day and polar night last six months each. The Arctic life is characterized by short summers and long, cold winters, with temperatures well below freezing. In the summer, due to the long days of sunshine, the tipper layer of the land thaws a bit, which makes it possible for some plants to grow.
Скачать и читать ОГЭ 2025, Английский язык, Типовые экзаменационные варианты, 20 вариантов, Басова И.А., Трубанева Н.Н.Фрагмент из книги.
The Arctic is not just a cold territory — it looks nothing like any other place on the Earth. There are no days and nights in the usual sense — the polar day and polar night last six months each. The Arctic life is characterized by short summers and long, cold winters, with temperatures well below freezing. In the summer, due to the long days of sunshine, the tipper layer of the land thaws a bit, which makes it possible for some plants to grow.
Outcomes Advanced, Workbook, Dellar H., Walkley A., 2017
Outcomes Advanced, Workbook, Dellar H., Walkley A., 2017.
The workbook provides students with opportunities for additional language practice. The book contains study strategies and tips for students, reference information on grammar and vocabulary for each module, and quizzes to expand vocabulary. The disc contains audio material for the tasks in the workbook.
Скачать и читать Outcomes Advanced, Workbook, Dellar H., Walkley A., 2017The workbook provides students with opportunities for additional language practice. The book contains study strategies and tips for students, reference information on grammar and vocabulary for each module, and quizzes to expand vocabulary. The disc contains audio material for the tasks in the workbook.
Другие статьи...
- Outcomes Advanced, Teachers Book, Sayer M., Dellar H., Walkley A., 2018
- Now I Know 1, Student Book, Lochowski T., Roulston M., 2018
- Now I Know 1, Teachers Book, Szlachta E., 2019
- Now I Know 2, Student Book, Perrett J., 2018
- Now I Know 2, Teachers Book, Marconi V., 2019
- Now I Know 3, Workbook, Pelteret С., 2018
- Now I Know 3, Student Book, Beddall F., 2018
- Now I Know 3, Teachers Book, Catherine Z., 2019
английский язык
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