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MySQL and PHP from Scratch

Краткое содержание материала:

MySQL and PHP from Scratch. Wade Maxfield.


Apache, MySQL, PHP3, and IMP the pieces exist. Each piece has been described ad nauseam. What does not exist is a guide to the marriage of these software technologies into a useful book, until now. This book puts together information on installing, setting up, and troubleshooting each of these technologies into one complete volume. You also learn how each piece is part of a whole by learning, step-by-step, how to create a web-based e-mail system. Learn to run the Linux equivalent of Active Server Pages (ASP) using PHP3, set up an e-commerce site using a database and the Apache web server, and create a data entry system (such as sales, product quality tracking, customer preferences, etc) that requires no installation in the PC.

MySQL and PHP from Scratch




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