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  1. Louise Pile: Intelligent Business. Intermediate. Workbook +CD
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    ... Business Coursebook by providing further practice of key vocabulary, grammar and skills. ... Cambridge: Cambridge Primary and ...

  2. English for Everyone. Business English. Practice Book. Level 1

    This unique course is easy to use, starting at beginner level and working up to advanced English to help you grow in confidence as you learn. This Business ...

  3. "English for Everyone. Business English. Practice Book. Level 2" - ...

    This course is a unique new series with a visual, engaging, and easy to follow style to make the English language easy to learn. Learn business English by ...

  4. English for Everyone. Business English. Course Book. Level 2

    Learn business English by reinforcing key language skills, grammar rules, and vocabulary with listening, speaking, reading, and writing exercises. This ...

  5. Ian Badger: Everyday Business English

    The English for Work series presents and practises spoken English and practical writing for everyday communication. The functional language is introduced ...

  6. Ian Badger: Everyday Business English. Book +CD

    Book +CD". Essential vocabulary and phrases are presented through realistic dialogues or texts. Helpful language notes highlight and reinforce the key language ...


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    This is about as much as the college-bred generally do or aspire to do, and they take an English paper for the purpose. ... We are ...

  2. Читать онлайн «Exactly», Simon Winchester

    Perhaps your shots all fall between the inner and outer rings and are all very close to one another. Here you have great precision but ...

  3. Читать онлайн «A Vindication of the Press», Даниэль Дефо

    In Prose a slight Examination of a Performance may suffice, but in Poetry it cannot be too often repeated; and in this ...

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    PART I OF WAR-TIME. I THE GREY ANGEL. Her predilection for things French came from childish recollections of school- ...

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    Friday, May 11th. – A few weeks ago, a sailor, a most pitiable object, came to my office to complain of cruelty from his captain and mate. They had beaten him ...

  6. Читать онлайн «Talks on Writing English», Bates Arlo

    To convey a clear and accurate idea of the whole is most difficult. The untrained writer is apt to make of his attempts at description a mere running memorandum ...

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    After that the selection process begins: the first to drop out are those who are not patient and hardworking enough; some skip ...

  9. School Stories in English and Russian», Igor Yevtishenkov

    Sugar helped, but Peter couldn't understand why he had to learn complicated formulas with his other classmates. In the ...

  10. Our Old Home: A Series of English Sketches», Натаниель Готорн

    As you descend towards the Thames, the streets get meaner, and the shabby and sunken houses, elbowing one another for ...


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